As a Kansas DUI defense lawyer, I sometimes see an average person, who rarely drinks, get a DUI after just one night of parting with friends. However, drunk driving charges are often the result of a person who is addicted to alcohol. Alcoholics sometimes have to rely on their attorney numerous times for drinking and driving criminal charges. They then have to face felony criminal charges instead of mere misdemeanor criminal charges.
While alcohol is both physically and emotionally addictive, there is hope. In fact, many people who were addicted to substance, such as alcohol or drugs, have been able to recover and stay sober. There are many treatment centers in Johnson County and throughout Kansas, to help people stay sober.
Yes, you may have tried and failed in the past. But, you can succeed. There are about 23.5 million addicted people in the U.S. and only 10% gets treatment. Sadly, many of those people fail as well. Some believe it's because the programs don't use proven, lasting, and effective treatment methods.
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University concluded that "the vast majority of people in need of addiction treatment do not receive anything that approximates evidence-based care." In other words, many help centers are not relying on scientifically proven methods. In fact, many addiction treatment providers are not even medical professionals, nor do they possess the ability to provide everything required by evidence-based services. For example, they often can't provide psychosocial therapy or medication.
Author, Anne M. Fletcher writes about these problems. She wrote "Inside Rehab" and "Sober for Good." She says that sge wants to tell people about "science-based practices that should form the basis of addiction treatment."
She wants to get rid of myths such as that most addicts require going to a rehab center. She states, "The truth is that most people recover (1) completely on their own, (2) by attending self-help groups, and/or (3) by seeing a counselor or therapist individually."
Rather, to treat someone with a chronic form of addiction, she would be more in favor of individual multimodal treatment that is offered continuously or intermittently, indefinitely, or as long as they need it.
AA is similar in that, they believe that once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, even after years of sobriety. They stress continued help.
Often, rehab centers may last for 30 days and then be done. However, what is needed is a more maintained and continued therapy.
When looking for treatment, find a place that has a good referral by someone not even affiliated with the organization. This may require you to have your own expert review it. Find a place where the personnel are qualified and have at least a master's degree. The physician should be professionally licensed. Furthermore, the therapist should be willing to adjust treatment for you individually as you are unique. Additionally, they should be willing to address all you issues, such as depression or otherwise to a holistic manner. Furthermore, they should use research-validated techniques, like cognitive behavioral therapy or Community Reinforcement and Family Training.