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DUI Issued to Person Driving School Bus

Picture this: during your Monday morning commute, you've just left your neighborhood and you see a school bus up ahead. You expect to see the bus slow down and stop to pick up children at the street corner, but instead, the bus careens into a mailbox. What crosses your mind first? Was there a mechanical failure? Did a child jump out in the roadway?

The last thing to cross your mind is that the driver of the school bus, with middle school students on board, was driving drunk. But, alas, that appears to be what happened in Windham, New Hampshire. The bus driver in question failed field sobriety tests and was charged with driving under the influence, although she claims to have taken prescription medication but had not been drinking.

Thankfully, this story did not have a tragic ending. No children were injured in the accident and the bus driver did not hit another vehicle or building.
