Kansas City DUI Attorneys
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Personalized and Dedicated DUI Attorneys We Aggressively Represent and Fight for Our Clients Throughout Kansas

Man Sentenced to 20 Years for 11th DUI

In Bloomington, Illinois, forty-seven year old Willian Dietrich, was sentenced to 20 years in prison for DUI. Apparently, Dietrich has been arrested 11 times in the past for driving under the influence. This criminal history, along with his prior 8 year prison sentence he served back in 2007 obviously exacerbated his sentence.

Dietrich was stopped by Illinois State Police in April during a roadside check. He then told police that he was unsafe to drive. This likely came after the officer elicited the statement due to allegedly smelling alcohol and noticing an alcohol container in the vehicle.

Yes, having a history of drinking and driving can make your case difficult to work out a favorable plea with nominal jail time. However, at our law firm, our experienced lawyers have successfully represented many people with significant criminal history, who are charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Additionally, under K.S.A. 60-455, your prior DUIS should not be a part of the trial, assuming you do not "open the door." However, your priors will likely be considered during sentencing. Even that is arguable due to the recent Kansas law change for K.S.A. 8-1567. If you want aggressive legal representation for a DUI charge, call us today to speak with a zealous Kansas DUI defense attorney.
